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Update Logs


Please rename all 'lotusproxy' to 'lotusnetwork', and update the product

Bodhi VanillaGirl@rev0

  1. Support ACL CONF
  2. Bug fixed

Bodhi Genshin@rev0

  1. Support hysteria2


Relax Release (rev16)

  1. Support hysteria2 distribution
  2. Added hy2 feature flag

Relax Release (rev1)

  1. added singnbox for android/ios subscription
  2. bugs fixed

1.7.4 Release (ManhKhuong)

  1. Hysteria Bug All fixed
  2. Vmess auto zero encryption when TLS is enabled
  3. Clash Meta by default(Removed support for clash)
  4. ClashVPN mode profile
  5. Replace close-sourced lcrp with SakuraNeko
  6. WebSocket auto EarlyData head 4096
  7. VLESS and XTLS(VLESS flow) supported neobranch



  1. INIT release
  2. All bugs fixed

All projects released with GPL3 License.